Marion & Dennis Witt, Witt Family Farms

Marion and Dennis Witt moved to Eustis, Florida in 1970 after Dennis visited in the winter and was able to wear a t-shirt. Dennis Witt was the crew chief for the Treadwell’s drag race cars for many years and got connected with the Treadwell Family more than 40 years ago. With Dennis’s background as a mechanic, he has many skills that come in handy around the farm. He also knows about the hard work on farms from growing up on a farm in Virginia.
Marion retired from a career in advertising after 33 years and supported Dennis in his venture of antique car restoration and the racing lifestyle.
“Glen and I are like brothers, we do so much together, including going off to the races,” said Dennis.
When the Treadwell family told the Witts about their plans to start growing and processing Florida hemp, they saw it as a great opportunity to try their hand at farming and to start a new retirement project.
In 2020, the Witts decided to plant their first crop of Florida hemp in July. Witt Family Farm, Black Bear Ridge Farm, owned by their daughter Lavonna, and their neighbor, We Todd Farms are growing a three-acre plot of hemp together.
“We all work together and have a lot of support through Florida Hemp Farmers.”
The Witt family mentioned that they were excited by the prospect of this new crop and to have a close relationship with the other farms that are involved in Florida Hemp Farmers and can’t wait to see the end result of their hard work.